


4   Hunt Alaska Online

6   Publishers’ Welcome

8   Editors’ Tracks

10  Gear Shop

14  Gun Dogs

16  Trip Tips

18  Red Gold

65  Ad Index

66  Recipe

On The Cover

Jim Baichtal with an early season Sitka blacktail from Southeast. 
© Jim Baichtal


Sitka Blacktail 101 by Marcus Weiner

Sitka blacktail deer are a popular quarry in Alaska, with generous bag limits for both residents and nonresidents. Marcus Weiner has been pursuing them for 15 years. Marcus interviewed several other noted Sitka blacktail hunters and in this article, he covers a wide range of blacktail topics to help you get a leg up as a blacktail hunter.


Waterfowl Primer by Scott Haugen

Alaska has the earliest waterfowl season of any state and has a wide range of species to hunt ranging from harlequin ducks to black brant to emperor geese. Scott Haugen has hunted waterfowl in much of Alaska and shares his experience in this article.


The Cliffs of Insanity by Sarah Stallone and Sterling Cook

Sheep hunters, in general, are a special breed. They’d have to be, to try to get into a place called “The Cliffs of Insanity.” Sarah Stallone and Sterling Cook are that kind of sheep hunters, and they pushed far beyond where most would dare to travel to take two full-curl rams.


Unimak Island Bear Hunt by Casey Dinkel

12 years. That’s how many consecutive years Alaska resident Casey Dinkel faithfully applied for a coveted Unimak Island spring brown bear tag. He finally drew the tag for the 2023 season. He hunted hard for his dream bear and stuck to his goal of a trophy. The result was an entry in the Boone and Crockett record book.